Thank you,LORD!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
She is loved by the KING!!!
These are the memories of my sister a year ago aT NKI.We were preparing her for her kidney transplant.
We were all worried.nervous.anxious because we dont know what lies ahead,what will be the outcome of the procedure.
All of us were not comfy to see the painful and stressful procees she need to undergo before the opearation
But the peace of God enabled us to just trust HIM and entrust our sister to HIM.
So before she went to the operating room.We prayed as a family believing and claiming that God will be there with her all throughout the operation.
And we asked for favor that everything will go well.
And true enough the operation was a success.She came home for like a week after with no infection,amazing kidney function,no sign of rejection,and almost all her lab test went normal.
We welcomed her home with gratitude in our hearts to God who made all things possible for her-financial provision,miracle healing and an opportunity to be a living testimony to other people that GOD is a miracle working GOD.
Here she is now back to normal life.Enjoying the new life,
new beginning God gave her.
Today we are celebrating God's faithfulness over her life.
It's been one year now after the operation.The God who were there with her during the challenging times of her life from the dialysis days,stressful check up,painful iv insertion,and operation still with her up to now taking care of her, loving her and using her as a living testimony of GOD'S fairhfulness.
Ate Epong, we your family, are rejoicing with you for you are able to see Gods goodness and faithfulness after all the challenges.I thanked God that u didnt lose hope and u remain strong and hold on to the promises that God can heal you.
We will always be here looking after you...
Enjoy every moment of your life...
Thank you for being a blessing to us and to other people...